Mees tegi huvitava avastuse tõttu postituse ka Twitterisse, kus ta kirjutas: "Nagu oligi oodatud... kaotasin oma Instagrami lehel mitusada jälgijat lihtsalt sellepärast, et ma abiellusin! Kahju, et mu õnn teid kurvastab."

Allikas Daily Mail vahendab, et Alex ei saanudki aru, mispärast nii paljud otsustasid tema jälgimise lõpetada. Ta arvab, et osad tema fännid jäid peale nende piltide postitamist murtud südamega, sest mees polegi enam saadaval.

Ehkki nii paljude jälgijate kaotamine oli mehe jaoks üllatuslik, ei kavatsenud ta selle üle rohkem pead murda ja otsustas, et on palju õnnelikum heade soovide ja kommentaaride üle inimeste poolt, kes toetavad teda sel teekonnal. Mees sai juurde hulga jälgijaid, kellest paljud otsustasid liituda ka CrockFiti rakendusega.

Tavaliselt ei jaga Alex Instagramis pilte oma kallimast, ta pigem kasutab lehte selleks, et inimestele tuge pakkuda ja postitab pigem pilte või videoid trennidest ja söökidest.

"Mõtlesin, et tahan jagada meie pulmapilte, sest ülemaailmse pandeemia tõttu sai meie pulmas osaleda kõigest 30 inimest. Algse plaani järgi oleks neid pidanud olema 100. Seega tahtsime jagada oma erilist hetke nii paljude inimestega kui võimalik."

Alex ja Sarah kohtusid kohalikus jõusaalis seitse aastat tagasi ja nelja aasta möödudes tegi Alex Santorinil oma kallimale abieluettepaneku.

Oma pulmapäevale mõeldes jagub mehel ainult häid sõnu. See oli tema elu kõige õnnelikum päev ja õnneks said nad abielluda juba ammu soovitud kuupäeval, ehkki pidid tegema mitmeid ohverdusi, et nende unistus saaks teoks.

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Top tips for going back to the gym! 💪⁣ ⁣ How heavy to lift!?⁣ You might have been smashing the bodyweight workouts, or even lifting some weights at home, but over a few month period, it might have left your body less conditioned and your strength will have reduced. I recommend going in to your normal exercises with about 50%-60% of your previous weights. Gradually increase over weeks as your strength increases again.⁣ ⁣ Don’t be hard on yourself!⁣ Just because you can’t lift as much, or do as much in the gym, it doesn’t mean you should feel bad about it! Fitness is a journey and we’ve been thrown a curveball this year (to put in lightly... 😆). It’s important to go in at your current level, enjoy the process and be patient as you get fitter again. ⁣ ⁣ Try not to get carried away...⁣ It’s so easy to get excited and lift too much, so lots of reps or train hard everyday, but this could leave your body with serious DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), which although is natural, it can be uncomfortable if it’s for days. You could also be put in a position to overtrain or injure yourself. So I recommend not lifting to failure for the first couple of weeks, and enjoy going through the motions. ⁣ ⁣ Don’t forget bodyweight! ⁣ So many of us have fallen in love with bodyweight training, which is great! But don’t forget everything you’ve been utilising at home. Squats lunges pushups and core workouts can still be a major part of your workouts.⁣ ⁣ Work on recovery! ⁣ Gym workouts are going to be a new challenge for the body! Make sure you prioritise your warm up, cool down, stretches, good sleep, lots of water, good food and lots of protein to aid recovery. ⁣ ⁣ Avoid changing too much at once⁣ Build a good foundation by building up strength and flexibility in your body, once you’ve achieved that then look to work on your diet, nutrition and how you fuel your body. Taking too much on at once only sets you up to fail. ⁣ ⁣ Hope that helps guys! If you need a plan then download my #CrockFitApp and start the GymFit or SheFit plan 😄👊⁣

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Allikas: Daily Mail

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